
Violent crimes bring the longest sentences in criminal courts. From homicides to aggravated assaults, the legislatures of New York and New Jersey have taken the steps to provide judges with the power to impose sentences which effectively result in a death sentence. Under the law there are even requirements that prohibit a defendant from being eligible for parole until they have served out the vast majority of their sentence. That is why having a good, knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney is so important. At Price, Meese, Shulman & D’Arminio, PC, our attorneys have dozens of years of experience as both criminal defense attorneys and prosecutors, enabling us to represent our clients with the understanding of how the prosecution functions.

More often, when dealing with violent crimes, law enforcement is more concerned with collaring the alleged perpetrator than discovering the facts that support it. Fortunately, there are rules and regulations that law enforcement are legally obligated to follow when taking statements, preserving evidence, ‘tagging and bagging’ weapons and shells, etc. Complicating things even more is the fact that jurors have become very savvy in their understanding of the examination procedures used to test evidence and will usually expect to see that evidence. Prosecutors have taken advantage of the ‘CSI’ effect and readily present experts whose testimony is actually useless as far as relevance, but great when it comes to securing convictions. We’ve crossed examined some of the most well respected law enforcement experts and have been able to convince jurors that their testimony is an attempt to actually prevent them from seeing and hearing the truth, with great results for our clients. Finally, as much as we hope it doesn’t happen, there are state and federal law enforcement officers who will use illegal and unconstitutional tactics to try and get the ‘collar.’ Such tactics, though uncommon, are intolerable and, more importantly and if properly investigated, proven in a court of law.

Before we accept any case where there is a charge including violence, such as homicide, attempted homicide, manslaughter, kidnapping, etc., our clients are informed about the steps that we take, the services we perform, and the goals that we want to achieve. Our firm understands that to be able to win we have to be as vested in the results as our clients, which is why our passion is more than tangible every time we step foot in the courtroom. Law enforcement deserves respect, they protect and serve and help people stay safe. When it comes to our client’s rights, if law enforcement chooses not to respect their rights and engages in illegal tactics, our attorneys are prepared to challenge their evidence every step of the way. Our office is experienced with the following charges:

1. Murder/Homicide.
2. Vehicular Homicide.
3. Manslaughter.
4. Vehicular Manslaughter
5. Kidnapping.
6. Car Jacking.

Contact our attorneys today for a free consultation. If you are being prosecuted in New Jersey or New York, or are under investigation and have been asked to speak with the police, our attorneys are available to provide help in your or your loved one’s time of need. For more information fill out the contact form on this page or click on the link to directly email one of our criminal defense attorneys, or call us directly at 201 905 2443.